Thursday, April 3, 2008

Weird Dreams

So I rarely ever remember my dreams, but when I do they're usually pretty weird. A couple of nights ago I had a dream that I was going to go on another mission. To Philadelphia. I don't know why Philadelphia. It seemed so real, and I remember wondering what I was going to do with my car. I didn't want to sell it because I wanted to have it when I got back. I didn't really even think about my job, but I remember wondering how I was going to pay for everything because I hadn't been saving my money with a mission in mind.

I had another weird dream when I was like 7 or 8 that I have remembered ever since. I guess it was pretty traumatizing. Probably because Danika died in it. I was looking inside this big oven thing (it was almost like I was inside it myself, because that was all I could see; that's how big it was) and Danika was standing there and all was good until I saw this button on the outside of the oven and I pushed it, thinking it was for like a timer or something. Boy was I wrong. All of a sudden there was a toilet-like seat thing under Danika and she was being flushed down it and she was crying and her face was red and there was smoke coming out of her ears. Then she was gone and Donald Duck was standing to the side shaking his head at me. Boy I'm glad that one didn't come true.

1 comment:

Melody said...

I used to have the weirdest dreams too! And a few recurring ones. One of the dreams I had several times was of my dad drowning in a table at Disneyland. A little like your Donald Duck dream. What is it about Disney, huh?