Saturday, April 5, 2008


Two years ago today I came home from my mission. It was also two years ago today that the most embarrassing moment of my life happened. I won't go into details right now, but it has to do with airplanes and throwing up. Ask me about it sometime.

Anyways, so I was thinking about the last 2 years and at first I thought that I didn't really have anything to show for it. Mostly because I'm not married I think. But then I thought some more and I guess I have accomplished things since I've been home, namely:

1. Went on my first humanitarian trip March 2007 to New Orleans
2. Went to Phi Beta Lambda (college business organization) state competition March 2006 and placed 1st in Word Processing, 5th in Management, and 4th in Community Service Project
3. Graduated from Weber State University with a B.S. in Business Systems Technologies May 2007
4. Got accepted to play the piano every month at McKay Dee Hospital beginning May 2007
5. Got my first "real" job at a software company as Marketing Admin June 2007
6. Went to Phi Beta Lambda national competition in Chicago July 2007 and placed 2nd in Word Processing and 10th in Business Ethics
7. Bought my first new car in August 2007 :)
8. Signed up for a humanitarian trip to Guatemala (happening in July 2008)

All of the above are goals that I have had or things that I have wanted to do, so I'm pretty proud of myself for doing this much.


Annie said...

What do you do to get accepted to play the piano at McKay Dee? That sounds so fun! You are incredible and don't ever feel otherwise. If you ever feel like you're not accomplishing anything, read this list and give me a call. You are SO amazing and I'm grateful for your friendship! :)

Brea Marie said...

Tawni, Not sure if you'd remember me from high school(Brea Nielsen), but it was fun finding your blog and seeing how things are going for ya. I think that is cool that your going to play the piano at the hospital. How cool is that? The hospital can be a dreary place...I know we have had two overnight stays so far this year. I would have loved and greatly appreciated to hear some piano music while I sat around for hours on end. You are doing a wonderful service to many people. Well, I am going to add you to my Northridge buddy list and check back every now and again. See ya!

Janel said...

Tawni, that is so awesome! And feel free to add me to your list. :) Can I add you to mine?

Tiff said...

That's awesome! Where did you serve your mission? You're such a cute girl I'm so glad we met and can be friends!

Tiff and Chris said...

Thats so incredible! You are very accomplished...I really admire all of the service that you do. I think it looks like such a great opportunity to serve others. How long to you go for and how in the world did you find out about it?

Jewelsp said...

Wow Tawni! You have accomplished so much! I think a mission is an amazing accomplishment and you've certainly kept yourself busy since you've been home.
It was soo good to see you Saturday night! I hope you have a fantastic week!

Danika said...

I remember when you got off the airplane and you smelled kind of like fish :) I was worried that you had picked up some sort of smell in NY that was permanently stuck to you :)

Erin said...

You've done a lot of cool stuff.