Friday, April 18, 2008

About Me

I've seen this tag on a lot of blogs, so I decided to do it too.

What were you doing 10 years ago?
10 years ago I was 14, so I would have been finishing up 9th grade and getting nervous to start high school. I think I was into hanging out at the mall with my friends like all the other jr. high kids do. I finally let go of my fear of trying out for things and tried out for a soccer team that played at different tournaments over the summer. I babysat a lot, so that's probably how I spent a lot of my free time. Honestly I don't remember much about what I did back then.

5 things on my to-do list today
1. Try to leave work early (it's the weekend!)
2. Go running and/or do a hip-hop exercise dvd (they're so fun!)
3. Do a couple of scrapbook pages
4. Clean my bathroom
5. Go to bed early so I can get up super early tomorrow

Hopefully that will all happen. I never know what Friday nights are going to be like. :)

6 snacks I enjoy
1. Fiber One bars (they sound healthy, but they're like candy to me)
2. Swedish Fish
3. Doritos
4. Triscuits
5. Fruit snacks
6. Strawberries

5 places I've lived
1. Ventura, CA
2. Layton, UT
4. Long Island (Freeport), Brooklyn (Midwood), and Queens (Flushing, Richmond Hill, & Rego Park), NY (this one's for you Melody!)
3. Ogden, UT
4. SLC, UT
5. Ogden, UT (different apartment)

5 jobs I've had
1. Hogi Yogi team leader/manager
2. Computer lab aide @ Weber State
3. Office assistant @ Weber State
4. SummitOne Credit Union teller
5. MasterControl marketing admin

5 things people may not know about me
These are always the hardest to come up with, but I'll give it a shot.
1. I've never broken a bone/had stitches/gone to the ER
2. I only had 3 wisdom teeth (I think that's pretty common though)
3. I'm beginning to think I might have ADD. Especially at work. I can't seem to focus on one thing at a time.
4. Before my mission I had never been east of Denver.
5. When I was younger I thought I wanted to be the first woman President of the U.S.

Gee, I've had a boring life.

If I were suddenly a billionaire?
That's such a lot of money that I probably wouldn't know what to do with it. First of all, pay my tithing, then I would invest a bunch, buy my parents a new house, buy myself a house, heck I'll buy everyone in my fam a house, give $ to Casa de Sion, give $ to other worthy causes, pay for my brother's mission, pay off my car, give to the church, etc.

I tag whoever wants to do this.


Brea Marie said...

Before going to Honduras to pick up my brother from his mission, I'd never been farther East than Colorado either. Plus I had barely even stepped foot into Colorado. Crazy huh? I've never knew I'd had that in common with someone! How fun!

Melody said...

I can't believe you didn't put NYC as one of the places you've lived. Shameful! =)

Tawni said...

Oh yeah! Oops.