Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spelling Bees

Your Spelling is Perfect
You got 10/10 correct.

Your spelling is excellent. You also have a great memory and eye for detail.

This brings back another memory, so this will be my memory blog for the week. From 3rd-8th grade, my mom always "made" me be in the spelling bees at school (actually by the time I hit 6th grade I kind of wanted to do them. I'm fine with my weirdness). As soon as we got the list of words to study, she would drill me over and over. For every word I would spell right I received a Reese's Piece. It sounds weird to say "Piece" instead of "Pieces" but I only got one at a time. I remember being so nervous when the day of the spelling bee arrived. Every time I got up to spell a word I had bats in my stomach. Not butterflies. Bats. But my mom always said I looked "calm and collected". Thanks to the drilling I actually won the school level spelling bees in 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 8th grades and got really close to winning district a couple of times. My last year, 8th grade, I was at the district bee and we had done one round of the easy words, one or two rounds of the intermediate words, and a couple of rounds of the advanced words. By then there were only 4 or 5 of us left. Then they started giving us words that were not on the study list. That's normal, because of course by that point all of us had memorized the entire list. I don't remember how many rounds I stayed in, but I remember the word that got me out. Gregarious. I had never heard the word that I could remember, and the way the pronouncer said it made it sound like "grugarious". So that's how I spelled it. I was a little disappointed because 8th grade is the last year for spelling bees, and now I would never make it to Washington D.C. Oh well. I went to New York for a year and a half and that was even better.

So the result of all this is I'm kind of anal when it comes to spelling. It drives me nuts when words are misspelled.


Brea Marie said...

Tawni, The spelling test was fun, right? I like taking these kind of quizes where you really have to think. I don't think I ever participated in a spelling bee or anything. I don't know, I just suck at any compatitional thing. You still did really well to have made it to district.

Melody said...
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Melody said...

Me too! It drives me crazy when people have words spelled incorrectly on their blogs. I've even thought about pointing it out before. Especially if it is on a sidebar or something so I see it every time. But I know sometimes I make dumb mistakes or typos so I don't really feel justified in doing so.