Saturday, April 19, 2008

New Bookstore

On Wednesday I went to West Valley after work to see my friend Craig in a play. It didn't start until 7:30 so I had some time to kill. So I went to the mall. Not a good idea because a mall is an easy place to spend money. But I discovered the best bookstore called Eborn Books. It sells new and used books, but it seemed like most of them were used. So of course the used books are sold at a huge discount from the regular price. I could have spent hours in there! I ended up getting "The Hungry Caterpillar" in Spanish to take to Guatemala, East of Eden, and the 1st book in the Chronicles of Narnia series, all for $12. It was totally sweet. I think I've found a new place to waste my money.


Erin said...

I love East of Eden! you shouldn't have told me about this place!

Erin said...

i can't go to the race because i don't want to take work off. it's such a weird time for a race! But we should definately go down to the bookstore one saturday to spend the rest of our money. :)