Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Weekend catch up

I always feel like I have so much to catch up on after the weekend! I got to go to Logan this weekend for Homecoming at USU. The dance was on Friday so I took the day off so I would have time to get ready. And I need to use up my PTO before I quit my job. It's nice to take a day off every once in a while just because, although I ended up being pretty busy.

I hadn't been to a dance since USU's spring formal when I was 20, so it's been a while, but it was a lot of fun! I went with Derek, of course, and we ate at Firehouse for dinner (yum!). His roommate works at the one in Smithfield, so we went there and he got us a free large ph'zookie. Oh baby. This is the only picture we took that night, right after we were done eating. You can't see my skirt but it was hot pink.

After the dance was True Aggie Night. We went. The end.

I stayed the night at my brother-in-law's parents' house so I wouldn't have to drive home so late. Thanks Rick and Cindy! The next morning was the Homecoming parade on Main Street and we went to it. College towns are so cool! I can't wait to live there. They threw out a lot of candy and some other things. Derek got this cow and a t-shirt.

Yay for parades!

We were going to go the game, but ended up looking at a bunch of apartments, one of which we liked. But we're going to keep looking a little more. If anyone knows of a 2 bed, 1 bath apartment for a good deal in Logan/Providence, let me know!

Then we went to our friends' house in Providence and ended up going SHOOTING. My first time. I was kind of nervous, but it was really fun. I shot a .22 rifle and pistol and hit a water bottle like 10 times.

In this one Derek told me to growl and show some teeth, so I laughed instead.

On Sunday after church we went to Derek's parents' house for dinner and pumpkin carving. Here's Derek scooping out the guts (my least favorite part):

This is what it's supposed to look like

The carving process

And the finished result! It kind of looks like I've tackled Derek into a wrestling hold, but I'm really not.

Derek loves candy corn.

1 comment:

Donna Jaco said...

somehow that last picture is so fitting.....