Friday, August 29, 2008

Birthdays are fun

Even when you turn 25. First of all, thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes! I just thought I'd write a little more about what I did yesterday to celebrate my annual holiday. I'm the "birthday" person in my department at work - i.e. I have everyone's b-days in my calendar and I make sure they get cake or a card or whatever, because my boss doesn't remember. I certainly didn't have anything planned for myself, but everyone else surprised me (unlike last year when I didn't tell anybody it was my b-day until I left early and I put a note on my boss's desk explaining why. My birthday is now in his calendar). I was sitting at my desk, minding my own business and getting my work done, when 2 of my co-workers popped their heads over my cubicle wall and said hello. Then my boss came over and popped his head over. Then I looked to my right and there was the whole department. Ay ay ay. One of my co-workers asked me what day it was and I said "August 28th" and he asked me again what day it was, so I gave in and said, "It's my birthday!" and then they all sang to me while I blushed like the worst I've ever blushed in my life. My boss said, "Look, even her arms are getting red!" I didn't know I was capable of a full-out body blush.

So in retaliation I decided to leave work early. I met my mom at the Bountiful temple for the 3:30 session, after which we drove home to pick up my dad and go to Cafe Rio (sorry Danika....). I got my usual chicken tostada and it was amazing as usual. I just have to say...I love Cafe Rio. I usually go there once a week for lunch and the one down on Ft. Union in Midvale has the fastest lunch crew ever. It's amazing.

Then my mom and I went to see Errand of Angels, a new LDS movie about sister missionaries. It was actually really good, and totally took me back to the mish. I even got missionsick a couple of times. It's about a girl who gets called to go to Austria and while she was there had the normal trials: bad companion, self-doubt, frustrating days, investigators who 'believe' but don't see why they should get baptized, funny language mess-ups, etc. If you're in the mood for a relaxing, no action movie (the most action was when she and her companion fought over who got to answer the phone), you should go see it.

After the movie I went to my parents house to open a few presents. For some odd reason, most of what I opened turned out to be food. I guess they know how much I like it. I think I'm set for a while.

This has nothing to do with my birthday, but the other day I visited my friend whose Yorkie had a puppy about a month ago. He's grown so much and is soooooo cute! His name is Cubby. Awwww....


Milly said...

Happy stinkin birthday! I hope it was wonderful! You are now a quarter of a century old... how does that make you feel? Ü It rocks to grow up and get... more wisdom! Hope your 25th is the best year ever.

Unknown said...

I vote for you to get a new job in Logan so you can move up there and see Derek everday. Levi concurs.