Thursday, August 28, 2008

My quarter-life crisis

So today I turned 25 - whoa, 25? For reals? Anyways, I thought I'd give a list of 25 things that have happened to me in the last 25 years. (I kinda got this idea from my friend's blog when she turned 25 a little while ago)

1. I was born
2. When I was a baby my parents took me to Tijuana and some of the natives there wanted to buy me. Just think, I could be totally fluent in Spanish right now! But I'm glad they wanted to keep me.
3. We moved from San Diego to Ventura when I was 9 months
4. I got my first little sister, Danika, when I was almost 2
5. We got our first dog, Boats
6. My family and I got our picture in the paper for the flower costumes we wore in a parade
7. We moved to Layton when I was 11
8. I finally got out of jr. high and started high school
9. I got to go to Anaheim with the high school choir where we won in like every category!
10. I graduated from Northridge High
11. I started school at Weber State
12. I joined PBL and made tons of great friends!
13. I went to Denver
14. I went to Dallas
15. I went on a mission to NY
16. I went to Chicago
17. I moved to Ogden
18. I graduated!
19. I started my first real job at MasterControl
20. My family got our cute dog Maggie
21. I moved to Salt Lake
22. 4 months later I moved back to Ogden
23. I met Derek
24. I went on my first date with Derek
25. I turned 25

So there you have it. It's actually not as bad to be 25 as I thought it would be. It'll just take some getting used to.

So I just got surprised at work with these awesome flowers! Thanks Derek!


Donna Jaco said...

Those are beautiful--high-5 to Derek for being so thoughtful and high-5 to you because you totally deserve them.

Rodarte Family said...

Happy Birthday friend! You're mom's right: those flowers are beautiful!

Sheryl said...

Aw, sweet. :) Hope you have a fabulous 25th year!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!