Monday, September 1, 2008

More birthday fun

Sorry to bore you with more birthday stuff, but it's kinda been like a birthday week. It's been great! Friday night Derek drove home for the weekend :) and on Saturday we did all the stuff that he wouldn't tell me about before. First we went hiking up Adams Canyon, which we'd been talking about all summer, and then we had a picnic at Layton Park with all my favorite foods and a birthday cake! Then he took me home so I could take a shower and then we went down to Salt Lake. This whole time I was trying to guess what we were going to do (because he wouldn't tell me). I never did guess right. We ended up going to Desert Star, which is a playhouse/dinner theater type of place that does spoofs on movies. The show they were doing that night was Scary Poppins. It was hilarious! We got to eat while we watched it and it was way fun.

Last night I thought we were just going to have some cake and ice cream with my family and Derek's family, but apparently my mom decided to surprise me and invite all my friends and family over as well. It was a big surprise and so much fun!

My mom made a bunch of cupcakes and put them all together to make them look like an ice cream cone. And yes, there were 25 candles, and yes I blew them all out in one breath!

1 comment:

Annie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I wanted to come last night, but it was my nephews birthday party. I went to the Desert Star once. It was so fun and they had an amazing piano player. I don't know how much it's changed since I went, but it looked fun! Anyway, I just wanted to wish you happy birthday...again! ;)