Friday, August 8, 2008


What a fun day! One of my friends did a blog entry of 8 sets of 8 things each that she likes, so I thought I would do kind of the same thing. So here goes.

8 things I did today (it won't be too exciting since I worked all day)
1. Slept in until 7:15! then went to work
2. Picked up some hooks for one of our tradeshow booths
3. Ate leftovers from dinner that Derek's mom made the other night. Yum!
4. Went to a budget meeting
5. Booked travel for people
6. Ate a chicken salad sandwich for dinner
7. Talked to Derek :)
8. Watched the Olympic Opening Ceremonies. It was amazing!

8 of my favorite foods
1. Mashed potatoes
2. Cafe Rio chicken tostadas
3. Chocolate chip cookies
4. Hogi Yogi meatball sandwiches
5. Pupusas
6. Tostadas and tacos
7. Fiber One bars
8. Peanut butter M&Ms

8 of my favorite movies
1. Forrest Gump
2. Pride and Prejudice
3. Pirates of the Carribean (#1)
4. Bourne movies 1-3
5. The Princess Bride
6. Singing in the Rain
7. The Labrynth
8. Finding Nemo

8 things I did or want to do in 2008
1. Went to Guatemala
2. Moved back to Ogden
3. Lost 7 pounds
4. Started dating Derek ;)
5. Go to Trans Siberian concert
6. Lose 7 more pounds
7. Go to San Diego
8. Learn how to make ice cream

8 things I'll do tomorrow
1. Buy donuts
2. Take them to Kaley and Levi's and load their moving truck
3. Wash my car
4. Go to the grocery store
5. Eat tacos at Mi Puebla
6. Play the piano at the hospital
7. Play games
8. Go to the Jon Schmidt concert!

8 of my favorite books
1. Twilight series 1-4
2. Harry Potter 1-7
3. The Kite Runner
4. A Thousand Splendid Suns
5. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
6. To Kill a Mockingbird
7. Work and the Glory 1-9
8. The scriptures

8 things I like to do
1. Hang out with Derek
2. Read
3. Sleep
4. Eat
5. Play soccer
6. Learn to cook new things
7. Travel
8. Learn about other countries

8 countries I want to go to
1. Peru
2. Korea
3. Australia
4. India
5. Sweden
6. New Zealand
7. Italy
8. England

I'd like to dedicate this to one of my mission companions, Megan (Collier) Pace, whose favorite number is 8! Happy 8 Day!

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