Monday, August 11, 2008

A fun weekend

As usual, the weekend went by too fast, but at least it was fun! Friday night I watched the opening ceremonies, which were amazing! The Chinese sure know how to do it right. I don't even want to know how much they spent on just the fireworks.

Saturday was moving day for Kaley and Levi, so Derek and I went over bright and early to help load the moving truck. A couple hours, 3 boxes of donuts and 3 rolls of tape later, we were about done. We left before they started cleaning.

My mom made me climb in this box to tape it on the bottom. I actually went in headfirst but after I came out she wanted to take a picture, so I got back in like this.

Bye Kaley!

That night we went to the Jon Schmidt concert up in Wolf Mountain. It was amazing, as usual. The opener this year was Jon's 15-year-old son and his band Painting the Finish Line. It was their first gig and they were actually really good. I think I've heard Jon Schmidt play about 10 times and I never get tired of it because he's so awesome!

Waiting for the concert to start.

We got these sour gummy worms but accidentally left them in the car all afternoon. Apparently gummy worms melt.

Jon with Steve the cellist playing the famous Pachelbel Meets U2


Melody said...

What a CUTE couple! Glad you had fun.

Sheryl said...

Did you hear that some of the opening ceremony's fireworks were actually computer generated? Apparently some of them were uh, pre-recorded, and then edited to appear to all go off together. Still, it was impressive.

The concert sounds like it was a lot of fun!