Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Well sorry I haven't posted for a while. Things have been a little crazy the last few days. I'll let you know why later, like maybe next week? so stay tuned!

Anyways, on Saturday all of my mom's side of the family went and saw Forever Strong because my uncle is in it for a few seconds. If you've seen it, he's the one that takes the tooth out of the rugby player's forehead at one of the nationals games and says "anyone missing a tooth?". We're pretty proud of our movie star. It was a really good movie and had a great story. My uncle, who played himself as the team's athletic trainer, said that pretty much everything in the movie actually happened (like the tooth in the forehead), but over a period of many years. The player that came from Arizona and was in the correctional facility actually came from Washington or something in real life.

After the movie my mom and I went to my stake center for the Relief Society broadcast. My stake fed us dinner (Olive Garden) and then we watched the broadcast. It was so good. I especially liked Elder Uchtdorf's talk about not getting down on ourselves for not being perfect. He basically said a lot of women have a "problem" with expecting too much out of themselves. We're not perfect of course, and it's hard sometimes to deal with that fact. I'm so excited for General Conference this week. I love conference weekend.

After the broadcast Derek and I went to Cold Stone because I had a gift card. Mmm mmm good. I love it when he comes home on the weekends!

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