Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Work has is benefits too

For the past few months, most of my working hours have been taken up in preparation for the Masters Summit. The 'Summit' as we affectionately call it, is a user group type conference for our customers. This is the first year we have had one - and it officially started today! It has actually been extremely stressful up until now. Seriously, you never realize how many little details there are and how much planning goes into something like this until you are the one doing it. I didn't have to do it all by myself, thank goodness. Our Strategic Partner Relations VP was in charge, and I was the assistant. So between the two of us we did it all. It's been a long time coming and we should have started planning before we did, but I think it's going to go well. So far it has gone without a problem, but it's only 9:30 on the first day, so we'll see. But, as my title said, there are benefits to this whole thing.

1. We're holding the conference at Snowbird at the Cliff Lodge, and yes, the mountains are beautiful and the leaves are starting to change.
2. Starting last night until Friday I get to stayat the lodge.
3. I was on the list as a "VIP", so my room was upgraded. Can we say king size bed? I had the best sleep of my life last night until my alarm went off at 4:45.
4. Free food. Need I say more?
5. My awesome pink vest

So, the vest. I'm heading up the "support team" for the conference. Basically it's me and two other girls that I work with and we run the registration table, help people with questions, etc. And we all got vests to wear. The catalog said they were raspberry colored, so we are known as the Raspberry Girls or Raspberry Team. Here we are!

So, even though this whole thing has been stressful, it has been kinda fun too. Yesterday my boss told me to pay attention to how I feel on Friday afternoon when everything is about over. I can imagine it's probably a combination of relief, exhaustion and accomplishment. Well, wish me luck!


Brea Marie said...

I love your pink, I mean raspberry vest! They are really cute. Hope everything goes well!

Sheryl said...

Where do you work? What kind of business is it?

Donna Jaco said...

I have no doubt that it will be fabulous! I thought it was only for two days....Hope you have a great time. All the work you put into it will pay off.

Donna Jaco said...

p.s. You three look great.