Friday, September 19, 2008

My quirky self

I was tagged by Julie a few days ago, and I'm finally getting around to it. Here are the rules:

- Link the Person who Tagged you.
- Mention rules on your blog.
- Tell about 6 quirks of yours.
- Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
- Leave a comment to let them know. (Just so you know, I don't usually leave comments to let people know that I tagged them. I figure if they want to do it, they will. If they don't, that's fine.)

1. I roll my tongue a lot. I didn't used to be able to roll my tongue
at all. Then I was called on a Spanish-speaking mission, and I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to roll my r's. By the time I came home I could kind of roll them a little, but not too well. Then I took a few Spanish classes at school and got a little more practice in. A few months ago, maybe more towards the beginning of the year, I would just randomly practice. I still wasn't very good at it, but one day out of the blue my tongue just started rolling! And rolling and rolling and rolling and I could do it perfectly! So now....I just roll my tongue a lot. And it's always random. I can roll it longer than anyone I know, so that's pretty cool.

2. I hum and sing to every song, even if it's the first time I've heard them. And sometimes I randomly start singing a song. Actually, I do it a lot, just ask Derek. He'll say something, even just one word, and it'll trigger a song in my head. For instance, if I hear the word "forever" I automatically think of a song from Saturday's Warrior and I will usually start singing it.

3. I'm kind of OCD when it comes to putting the silverware in the dishwasher. I like the little holes to have even numbers of forkes/knives/spoons in them. Actually I'm OCD about a lot of things that deal with even numbers.

4. I pop my knuckles a lot, and Derek said that I even pop them his back (like when I'm scratching it I guess), which I didn't realize.

5. This one is kinda embarrassing. Well, not really embarrassing, but it kind of drives me nuts that I even do it. Ok, so when I was 10 and lived in Cali, we had an earthquake and it was pretty strong, a 6.something. Ever since then my head gets these little tremor things going on, and they're actually kind of hard to control. I really have to concentrate if I want to make it stop. There have been periods of my life where they have lessened or stopped all together, but they always come back. The last few months have actually been worse than usual. So if you ever see my head doing something weird, it's probably that. Just ignore it or tell me to stop and maybe I will.

6. When I sleep I like to have a blanket next to my face. It's just more comfortable that way. I've heard of other people that sleep like that, so I know I'm not the only one!

Well that was kind of difficult. I tag Brea, Amy, Kaley, Tiffany M., Melody, and Sheryl. Have fun!


Melody said...

Okay, I totally want to have a tongue-rolling contest with you now.

Danika said...

Funny how you have that OCD thing about silverware in the dishwasher. I seem to remember helping with the dishes WAY more than you :) unless I made you do them. I was kind of the chore-Nazi in our house sometimes :)

Tiff and Chris said...

Thanks for the tag. I have to sleep wth my blanket next to my face too...I sleep way better!