Friday, September 19, 2008

The letter K

Remember Sesame Street? That show always had the letter of the day or something like that. Well, today's letter is K and I've been tagged and have to come up with 10 things that I love that start with that letter. This is going to be a tough one.

The Rules: Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list ten things you love that begin with that letter.

1. Kiwi - Mmmmmmm, I love fruit, especially the sweet stuff like strawberries, raspberries, nectarines, and KIWI!

2. Kissing - now please don't think I'm a tramp for putting this. I don't go around kissing every guy I can - I'm not like that. But....I have to admit, kissing is really fun. :0)

3. Kraft cheese - I love any kind of cheese, and Kraft sure makes good stuff!

4. Knuckles - like I said in my "Quirks" post, I love to crack my knuckles - on people, on furniture, etc.

5. Kered (that's Derek spelled backwards :)) - He's pretty much the greatest thing in my life.

6. Kittens - I really don't like cats much, but really, who doesn't love kittens? They're just so LITTLE and CUTE.

7. Koalas - I used to have a stuffed koala bear, and ever since then I have loved them.

8. Knowledge - I love learning things. It would be sweet to be a professional student, without all the tests of course.

9. Kelly Clarkson - I still think she's the best American Idol.

10. Kids - I love kids because a) they're cute, b) they say and do funny things, c) they're good cuddlers, d) they have some amazing perspectives on life.

So there you have it. Leave me a comment and I'll give you a letter! I'll try not to do something hard like Q or Z.


Donna Jaco said...

Kaley was wondering why you didn't list her..... =]

Erin said...

Hey, i have new blog! just letting you know. :)

Brea Marie said...

I love Kered too! Well, my Kered (Derek) anyway. That was fun to read!