Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So today a couple of things happened that made me grateful for promptings we receive from Heavenly Father. They weren't big by any means. Just small promptings (more like nudges I guess).

The first one was this morning. I realized I forgot to set my alarm last night when I work up this morning at 7:05. Usually I am alarmed at about 6:45, after which I hit snooze until about....oh, 7:05ish. Now I am not normally an early riser on my own, so the fact that I woke up all by myself at the exact time that I needed to was nothing short of a miracle. Or maybe just a little nudge.

The second also occurred this morning, as I was driving to work. There was a truck in front of my loaded with stuff, and on top of all the stuff was a big box that looked pretty precarious. I noticed it wobbling a little bit and I thought to myself, "I hope that box doesn't fall off right in front of me." I also noticed that I was driving a little too close to the truck, so I tried backing off a little (I get that from someone in my family, but I won't say who Mom). Maybe about 30 seconds later I was startled when the box flew off the truck, right in front of me. I was still a little too close, but was able to swerve around it. It didn't seem like there was a lot of stuff in it, but who knows if it would have done damage to my car if I had run right into it. I'm grateful for that little nudge as well.

Isn't it funny how promptings come? I usually never notice them until after they occur, whether I followed them or not. I had a mission companion tell me once that someone had told her to always follow any thought she had as long as it wasn't bad. In other words, a lot of promptings we receive are through our thoughts, and it's very difficult to discern where those thoughts come from. So if it's a good thought, or it's not going to hurt anything or anyone, then follow it. It sounds a lot easier than it is, and is definitely something I need to work on.


Lisa said...

Tawni you are so cute! When are you going on your trip? I have some stuff you could take, shirts and things if you'd like them :)

Donna Jaco said...

Mmmmm.........small miracles or tender mercies.
I drive how?????

Tiff and Chris said...

It is so wonderful to know how much Heavenly Father loves us and the little promptings he's allowed us to receive through the Spirit.