Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Luke!

Saturday was my nephew Luke's 1st birthday! We had lots of fun eating cake, opening presents and going to the duck park to feed the ducks. Here are some pics documenting the exciting event:


He got a lot of presents. This is a really cool book that you can put your face in.

Luke with his cousin Hayden

He was really excited for his cake!

The Cake:

He actually didn't like the cake too much. Maybe it was the color?

He didn't really like his hat either. Oh well.

He really liked the ducks!

And the swings!

So that was his birthday. We all had a lot of fun and wore the little guy out. I can't believe he has been around for a whole year! It seems like just yesterday I was holding him in my arms at the hospital *sniff*. I love being an aunt and playing with my nephews. We sure love him and get so excited when he gets to come visit!


Brea Marie said...

He is sure cute!! He looks so much bigger than DaKoda, but he does have almost 2 months on her! I love it when kids are about to walk. They are so ambitious. Turning one is one of my favorite stages to watch. Happy Birthday Luke!

Danika said...

You got a better pic than me with his face in that book. Although I kind of look kind of evil in it. Oh well :)