Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fun with the fam (and one more thing checked off the To Do list!)

Last night Danika, Dan, and I went to the Real game! It was so much fun. The weather was perfect, the sun was in our eyes for only 10 minutes, and we didn't lose! Although we did tie 0-0. BUT we should have won. Kyle Beckerman (the one with the dreds) had a beautiful header in the second half that should have counted, but they called him offsides, which he wasn't. He was in line with the defender. Then there were like 3 other times when Real could have scored and it just didn't work out. Oh well, it was still fun.

Here we are at halftime. Dan is eating a piece of licorice for those wondering if his mouth is really like that.

I got a frisbee!

Dippin Dots! Mmmmmm.

It has been so much fun having Danika's little family here from Missouri. I know we're all going to miss them when they leave, especially Luke. He's so much fun!

He's getting so big!

He can almost walk on his own!

And he loves to go up and down the stairs!

I just love this picture. My mom actually took it and I think it's so funny because there is Luke in the background petting the bunny (he can actually say "bunny" now, it's so cute), and then there's Maggie in the foreground with a classic look on her face like she wants to say, "What the heck is going on."

Luke loves to go outside. Whenever I come home from work I always stop by to see him before he goes to bed, and he usually holds his arms out for me because he knows I'll take him out to see the bunny. It's so cute!


Donna Jaco said...

Speaking of your "to do" list--we went ice-blocking last night (the Laurels) and it was really fun. I still have the little seats, they're called "Ice Boggans", from Mike Fisher. We left the ice on the hill. I'm sure it's gone.

Tiff and Chris said...

I love hanging out with family, especially to sporting events! Can't beat the dippin dots :)