Wednesday, June 4, 2008

First Guatemala donations

Just wanted to post real quick to say that I have received my first donations to take with me to Guate! My sister Danika brought some formula with her from MO (her husband will be bringing more stuff when he drives out). When I got to work today there were like 6 small garbage bags of stuff by my desk. I got so excited when I saw it! I can't wait to go through it tonight. At the rate I'm going though, I might not have room in my suitcases for everything. A guy I work with said he has a really big duffel bag that I can use if I need it. I just might.


Donna Jaco said...

I have the small bag of baby clothes. They will be so happy to see you!

sjbrown said...

I have a large suitcase you can use if you would like. When do you go?

Brea Marie said...

How exciting to bring so many donations! I am still working on your email. Don't give up on me. I will have it done over the weekend. Thanks!