Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Which Vampire is Hotter?

Edward, Jasper, or Emmett? If you said Edward, you're right! Seriously though, for some reason the Twilight books have taken the nation by storm. I admit, I've read them all twice and am counting down the days to the release of book #4 and movie #1. But what is it exactly that makes them so great? Is it the fact that they're about vampires that act like decent human beings? Is it the action? Or is it because Edward is the epitomy of the "dream guy"? Personally, though he is hot, I think he's a little controlling. But I still find myself sucked into the romantic whirlwind that Stephanie Meyer has created between a vampire and a human. For those of you who haven't read the books...what's wrong with you? And for those of you who have, I'm sure most have already posted the trailer for the upcoming movie on your blogs, so I'll refrain. Let's just say it's going to be a GREAT movie.

Apparently Stephanie has written another book, not in the Twilight series, called The Host. It looks...interesting. I'm sure it will be great, just not the same as the vampires we all know and love. I'll probably read it sooner or later, but for now I'm counting down the days until August 2nd and December 12th!


Erin said...

the fruit stand is just on washington and 31st. It's called Carlos' Fruit stand.

Bethany Jaco said...

Duh! Emmet is the best out of all of them!!!!!! BTW I've read all of the books four times each.(come on Tawni keep reading!)And Edward loses his control freakishness at the end of Eclipse:)

Melody said...

I'm in the middle of New Moon right now. For the FIRST time. =)

Milly said...

hey, glad you remember me. It's good to hear you, and find another addict. Maybe they should have a bloggers support group! At any rate... where did you serve your mission? How long ago? Just curious.

Brea Marie said...

Tawni, Just wanted to let you know...Stephanie Meyer will be on Good Things Utah on ABC4 at 10am Friday the 16th. I think it will be a great interview. Hope you get this message by then. - Brea