Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Weekend

I had a great weekend. I just love spending time with friends! Friday night my friend Stacey had a Jazz Party had her house. We got to watch the Jazz beat the Rockets in style on the big screen. I'm SO glad they won because it would have been embarrassing if they hadn't. Especially after the last game.

Saturday was an incredibly busy day with going to the temple first thing in the morning, then playing soccer for like half an hour, then going to the Christmas Box House. The House is a place for abused/neglected children to stay until they can either go back home or be placed in foster care. I stayed there for a couple of hours, during which time I did basically nothing. When I got there the kids were eating lunch, so I sat with some of them while they ate. Then one of the kids was missing his MP3 player, so everyone got sent to their rooms until it showed up (they didn't know if it was misplaced or if someone took it, so the staff spent that time searching everywhere for it while I sat on the couch. I'm just a volunteer and it was my first time there so I felt a little awkward). Then I left, took a nap, got up and got ready, and left for a wedding reception in Provo. It was for a girl that served in my mission, so I picked up another girl from the mish, my good friend Jarilyn, on the way. We had a great time riding there and back together, talking about...well boys mainly. I'll just say we're both a little frustrated right now. But it was a lot of fun, and Liesel, the bride, looked so beautiful. Here we are! :

After the reception I was still starving, of course, so we stopped at a McDonald's. First of all, when we pulled up, there were NO cars in the parking lot. I thought, "Are they closed?" It was only like 7:30. So we sat there for a minute, then decided to check it out. So we tried the door and it opened! Of course they were open. Then we noticed the TVs. McDonald's had plasma screen TVs on the walls. What has this world come to?

On the way home I had to stop and get gas, so we got off the freeway in Highland and went to the Maverik right there. While there, a big white van pulled up about 30 feet in front of us to put air in the tires. All these guys in tuxes got out (before you say oooooooh, guys in tuxes; they were on their way to the prom. High school.) Anyways, Jarilyn and I were sitting in my car taking pictures of ourselves to document the occasion, and all of a sudden one of the guys comes sauntering towards us. He stops a few feet away, stretches, and begins to dance. I wouldn't call it slow-dancing, or hip-hop, or anything like that. It was more like....interpretive dance? Anyways, of course we busted up laughing, which made him do it even more. He danced his way around my car, and came around the passenger side (I thought he was going to get in), waving his arms like he was a river. It was so awesome. Then we drove away and waved. Jarilyn took a picture of the van, and then we scolded ourselves for not filming the whole thing. Oh well. Hopefully I painted a good enough picture with my words.

Me and Jarilyn at the gas station right before the "performance".

1 comment:

Donna Jaco said...

Good stories. You probably made those boys' day being so entertained by them.