Sunday, May 18, 2008


One of the best parts about the arrival of summer is being able to....go outside! I love to take advantage of warm weather and do all the outdoorsy stuff. Last night some friends and I went to two bonfires. The first one was hosted by our friend Jill, and it was there that I learned about Mushroom Delight. Now I normally really do not like mushrooms, but this was really yummy. To make it, you take a mushroom and wrap a piece of raw bacon around it, then stick it on a skewer and hold it over the fire. When it reaches desired crispiness (I like my bacon nice and crispy), take it out of the fire and use a piece of Swiss cheese to take it off the skewer. Then, you stuff (name that movie!) It's very yummy.

Here we all are. Left to right: Julie, Stacey, me and Kristianne:

Funny faces! This is like the best funny face picture I have ever taken. I love how it looks like Stacey is pointing to my face.

On the way to the second bonfire we stopped to go to the bathroom. Here are a couple of pictures from inside the bathroom. Pretty nice eh? Who knew Smith's had such nice bathrooms?

Here's a pic from the 2nd bonfire. It was at my cousin Nick's house. My camera died shortly after so there were some good pictures I didn't get. Like of Nick blowing fire. It was pretty sweet.

So there you have it. The first bonfires of the summer. Hopefully there will be many more to come!

Speaking of summer stuff, I'm going to start an ongoing list on the right side of things to do this summer. Please feel free to give any suggestions that you have!


Milly said...

Can I tell you< I just got a little jealous. I want to go to Bonfires again! You alway shave so much fun. Summer thing: Go ice blocking... by the way, I so will go with you to a Real game. I am all over that.

Janel said...

Here's a summer thing for your list:

Watch fireworks
Play with sparklers

I must say, two of my favorite summer activities. :)

Jewelsp said...

I think we should pick a saturday and go to Timpanoges Cave. The hike isn't too bad and it would be fun! We could also go to the zoo.

Donna Jaco said...

Looking at the bonfires makes me want to have a fire pit. If you go ice blocking, Mike Fisher has these screw-in seats with handles you can use instead of sitting on towels. We're going to use them for a YW activity.

Tiff and Chris said...

I so want to roast a marshmallow right now. How sure are a busy gal!

Unknown said...

We have a cousin named Nick??

Brea Marie said...

I want to go to a bonfire really bad! I want to at least go camping. Can't wait to do some fun summer things. Looks like you already started. :o)

Danika said...

The movie would be Sandlot! Yes Kaley, Nick is the son of mom's cousin, so basically he's like our second cousin once removed.

Danika said...

BTW, we are planning on going to the zoo when we are out there, so you should take a day off work and come. I would love to go to a Real game too, if we can find cheap tickets, I'm game! (no pun intended)