Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

It was a great weekend and I had a lot of fun, despite the sadness that still hung in the air from the passing of Gusty.

Friday:It's nice that even in a time of mourning we can find reason to celebrate. One of my very good friends, Andrea Uhrey, had a birthday on Thursday so on Friday we surprised her with her very first surprise birthday party. It was at our friend Julie's house and we hid in her basement while we waited. And waited. And waited a little longer. Just kidding, we didn't really wait that long Andrea ;) When she came down and we yelled "Suprise!" the look on her face was classic. She looked like she'd been shot or something. Then she had to walk away to compose herself. I'm so glad she was surprised!

We spent the evening talking, eating, and playing Mario Kart. And laughing at funny things like when Andrea so gracefully slid onto the couch and I so ungracefully fell onto the couch because my pant leg was stuck under someone's rear. Good times, good memories. Thanks for being born Andrea!
I love how Janel is the only one smiling in this picture!

I was incredibly lazy during the day. But it was really nice, because I don't get to do that very often. That night though, a friend took me to Tepanyaki for my first time ever. What a crazy place. I've definitely never been anywhere like it. Our chef was really cool and he did fun things like pee on me with his fireman squirt gun thing. He also did very well throwing shrimp into our mouths. I think we all caught it, even me! After dinner we saw Prince Caspian, which is a very good movie and I highly recommend it.

Nothing really out of the ordinary this day. I went to church as usual and the choir performed a medley of songs which I accompanied. After church I went to my parent's house for dinner. Then I had to go to ward prayer because I was being spotlighted. Yay. One of the questions I had to answer was "What was your most uncomfortable moment?" and my answer was "My first kiss." If you want to know why, you'll have to ask me.

I love Memorial Day! Except it seems like the weather is always bad. But even though it was rainy, it was still fun. We went up to Tremonton, as usual, and put flowers on my grandma's grave, then we went to my great-aunt and uncle's house to visit. They ended up making us lunch while we were there, so we didn't get to follow our tradition of eating at Mack's :( Oh well, it was really good and I enjoyed seeing them. I think I want to live in Tremonton.

This is my mom with her cousin Laurie, and her Aunt Golda and Uncle Carmi.

On a different and much sadder note, Gusty's funeral was today. It was my first time going to a Catholic funeral, so it was a little strange for me. Interesting, just different. You definitely get your exercise from all the standing up and sitting down. I was impressed by how many people were there. I think our company took up most of the right side of the chapel. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as Gusty had friends everywhere she went and touched a lot of people. I felt awful for her girls; the older one didn't stop crying through the whole thing. I hope they can get through the whole ordeal unscathed.


Tiff and Chris said...

Do tell...first kiss :)

Donna Jaco said...

Nice post. You have a very full life.

Textura Photography said...

So I think you had the same guy that we had when we were there in Layton. If I remember right he had a bottle that he grabbed to spray on Emily and string came out, and then he made the little volcano thingy and had his little man pee out the fire. Was this the same guy? That place was alot of fun.

Janel said...

Can I say the only reason I was smiling was I think everyone else was too involved in the game, and I didn't know what I was doing. So I had fun! :)

I'm sorry about your co-worker. That must be hard.