Monday, November 24, 2008

Who was playing for who?

I, like many of you, watched the BYU/Utah game on Saturday. I always root for both teams until they play each other, then I cheer for BYU. But in the end, I could really care less who wins. However, it was a little heartwrenching to watch all the turnovers because BYU's quarterback kept passing to Utah players. Other than that, I'm very happy for Utah's win and that they now get to go to the BSC (is that what it's called?) and all the mountain west schools get like $500,000 for their athletic departments now. Some of us speculated on whether or not BYU lost on purpose so they could get that money. I don't think they would lose on purpose. They have too much pride.

My family and Derek's family got together at Derek's house to watch the game. It was a lot of fun, even though half of us were cheering for BYU and the other half for the U. But I think we were all pretty good sports about it, and we got to stuff ourselves with pizza and garlic bread, so maybe that helped tone things down a little.

At work, however, the battle is still raging. We have some pretty die-hard fans on both sides and the comment/email war usually starts about a week before the game, with my boss being the instigator. He's the biggest BYU fan I know, and the lady who works next to me is one of the biggest Utah fans I know. Besides the emails that went out to the whole office, these two kind of had their own little private battle. First, my boss decided to play a little prank on my coworker's car. It looked like this:

Notice the nice combination of blue and red.

Then my coworker sent out an email with a poem and a couple of these pictures w/ my boss's head Photoshopped in:

The poem:
The game is coming the Cougars will yield,
To the Powerful UTES on Utah's own field.

Worried the officials cannot be bought,
Old Curt has taken it to our parking lot.

So this is their "Quest" Hall and Collie believe,
Such self-righteousness makes you just want to heave.

Go ahead, take it out on my poor little car,
Guess that's what Bronco calls raising the bar.

Dumbing down your schedule is a BYU fit,
Come on Cougars, just rise and spit.

So this morning I got to work and the first thing I saw was my boss's door:

Decorated by none other than my coworker, of course.

This is done all in good fun. It doesn't get vicious at all, thank goodness, or I'd have some major babysitting on my hands.

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