Friday, March 7, 2008


So I was thinking the other day, I should start writing down childhood memories for my posterity or whatever. Here are some that I have thought of in the last few days:

#1: KD Donuts - When I lived in Ventura I remember going swimming a lot, usually with my dad and Danika it seems. After we went swimming we would often go to KD Donuts to get a donut. It was just a small place. Seems like it was like a little house. I do remember it was a yellow building. I remember always wanting a buttermilk bar, but Dad always made me get an old-fashioned donut. I guess because they were smaller, and I was just a little girl. On a side note, thinking about swimming, I remember another time when my dad took Danika swimming and for some reason I wasn't allowed to go and really wanted to. We have pictures of me chasing after them in my regular clothes and an inner tube around my waist. I think I was about 8.

#2: Floating down the street - This memory also takes place in Ventura. The street we lived on, Channel Drive (well-named), would frequently flood when it rained hard. I only remember doing this once, but it's possible that we did it multiple times - we (me, Danika, our neighbors Justin and Josh) would float down the street in inner tubes. The current would actually get us going pretty fast. We have it on video and it looks pretty funny.

#3: Brittany - Every summer our half-sister Brittany would come visit us for a couple of weeks. We always did fun things. One summer she taught us some "cheers", which we loved. "Open up the barnyard, kick out the hay. We're the girls of the USA. Turn on the radio, whaddya hear. Johnny Carson's giving a cheer! We're gonna F-I-G-H-T. We're gonna F-I-G-H-T. We're gonna F-I-G-H-T, we're gonna Fight, Fight, Fight on a Saturday night. Yeah!" That was one of them. Another thing I remember was having a sleepover in the backyard in our sleeping bags. Me, Danika, Brittany, and the Murray girls (Meredith, Jenny, and Kelly) all slept back there. Sometime during the night Brittany, Jenny, and Kelly got into a pillow fight and since Brittany's pillow was tiny I guess she felt she had an unfair advantage, so she grabbed mine from under my head. I was kind of mad at her for the rest of the night.

#4: Push-em Pull-em Parade - This parade took place every 4th of July in Ventura. Anyone could participate, and my mom ALWAYS forced us to participate. There was a different theme every year, such as "Send in the Clowns" (you should see our pictures - we had full face makeup and everything); something to do with flowers (we actually got our picture in the paper for this one - me, Danika, and Brittany were dressed up as flowers, and Kaley was something in a wheelbarrow that my dad pushed); something to do with the army or something (our costumes this time were a little milder. I wore a green khaki shirt and some camo pants); but I think the most extravagant was when the theme had something to do with cartoon characters or something. Our whole family was dressed as the Jetson family from none other than The Jetson's. My mom was the maid (with a big ice cream carton used as the head), me, Danika, and Kaley were Judy, Brittany was Jane, Colton was Elroy (is that the boy's name?), and my dad was George. We might have even had our dog in it as their dog (I forget his name). It was classic.

That's it for now, but stay tuned. I'll keep 'em coming. Mom, don't freak out because I posted twice in one day.


Donna Jaco said...

I remember KD Donuts, and yes, it was in a yellow house.
The reason you couldn't go swimming that one time and Danika did was because it was some kind of class or preschool activity or maybe even a team she was on, I don't remember--just remember it was a daddy-daughter activity for something. Yes, we have the picture to preserve the memory of you running in the inner tube.
~Mom =]

Danika said...

I remember all those things, il should write them down too.

Erin said...

Yup! I remember Channel Drive too!

Bethany Jaco said...

Elroy was the little Jetson boy and the dog's name was Astro. The maid's name was Rosie