Friday, March 21, 2008

Memories #3

A couple of memories were brought back to the surface of my brain this week after I saw some people from the old ward in Ventura.

1 - Prank calls: When I was like 9 or 10 my parents went to Utah for my mom's high school reunion. On the way they dropped us off in Las Vegas to stay with the Foster family. One afternoon we (me, Stephanie, Danika, and maybe Becca) were left to our own devices. I don't remember whose idea it was, but someone had the brilliant idea of doing some prank calls. So we got out the phone book and started dialing. I don't remember what we said, but it was something about a pig. Just this last Monday when we were at the Foster's house in Farmington, I found out that someone had actually called back to let Karen know that someone had prank called them. Sure, we had to call the first person in the world with caller id.

2 - Saturday's Warrior: I went to a wedding dinner with my mom last night for a girl whose family lived in Ventura a long long time ago. Like they moved away when I was probably 8. Her younger sister is Danika's age, so I went to their house with her a couple of times when we were little. Anyways, for some reason I remember that it was at their house that I saw Saturday's Warrior for the first time. Random? Yeah.

1 comment:

Tiff and Chris said...

I love Saturdays Warriors! I haven't watched it in forever. I have a blog, too :0) Its so much fun.